Our park has a fenced in tennis court - perfect place to let Dolly off her leash and run. I think she is adjusting well to our family. We keep saying what a wonderful dog she is. She is so well behaved in the house and is getting better on the leash. Even Trent loves to hug and kiss her and will put her leash on her and walk her. A couple of years ago Trent was knocked down by a dog and has been scared ever since. Dolly is the perfect dog to help him get over that fear. We've discovered that she already knows sit, lay down, and shake hands. We are going on a week - long camping trip next week and are excited about taking Dolly with us. Thanks so much for recommending her - she is perfect for our family.
Kristy C. Boggs
Just wanted to let you know that Dolly is doing great. We just bought 50 acres of land - we have always wanted to buy some land a build a house. It will be a few years before we build our house, but it is only a few minutes from where we live so we go there a lot just to play and hike. There are 3 creeks, a pond, and lots of room to run. And boy does Dolly run. She runs and plays and gets in the creeks and pond. She has such a great time. Sometimes our friends come along and bring their dog and the 2 dogs literally play tag with each other. My son's kindergarten class recently had a study unit on pets so I took Dolly to visit. Since she was visiting Trent's class John wanted her to visit his class too so she got to visit the kindergarten and 2nd grades. All the kids got a turn to give her a treat - she had a great day. She had a check up at the vet today to get her shots. She weighed in at 76 pounds. She was 63 when we got her, so she is up to an ideal weight now. Vet said she is just right, not overweight. If you guys are ever in the Table Grove area you are welcome to stop by and see Dolly run at our new place.
I've never had a tattoo, but I've had many dogs, and all of them have left their own indelible marks on me.
Ken Foster